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Members of all three Abrahamic faiths are heirs to the promise of "land." 
Land:  source of food, place of security, a place to call one's own . . . home.  Land:  it has been fought over from Biblical disputes over who is the rightful inhabitant of "the land", to similarly deadly conflicts in the same area today . . . from "Manifest Destiny" as an excuse for depriving others of their land and life, to who "owns" Kashmir.  Whether it is because of wars or other reckless human activity, the question is:  "What are we doing to the land?"

Land is also something else.  As Zorba the Greek observed, "Even the rocks are alive!" So are the hills, if those lyrics in The Sound of Music can be believed . . . which, of course, they can.  The land is an endless source of inspiration and mystery.  In the relatively few landscapes here presented (you have many more of your own . . .as do we!) we approach the land in much the same way that the traditional Navajo does:  it is sacred, or the place of the sacred. 
Their approach is that of hozro:  walking and living in beauty . . . achieving harmony with one's surroundings. 

May you walk in beauty, live in beauty, find the beautiful everywhere . . . in each and all . . . including in yourself.

Arroyo in Utah
Hazel Mountain Overlook,
Shenandoah National Park
Mesa at sunset in western
Colorado as seen from
Amtrak's California Zephyr
Storm over eastern Utah desert
Los Lobos State Park   ~   Monterey, CA
Lake McDonald looking west toward The Garden Wall ~
Glacier National Park, MT
Frost on the car's rear window. 
I think this qualifies as "landscape"!

Redwoods between Ft. Bragg and Willets, CA