All photos were taken with either a Canon S2, a Canon Elph 310 HS digital camera, a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, or an iPhone5. 

If you wish to use an image, please credit:

NOTE:  Some have asked why there are no people in our photography.  Do we not connect with the spiritual in our relationships with one another?

Well, of course we do.  But we want to err on the side of respecting the privacy of other people . . . and to protect them from those who would misuse their images.

"Spirit of God in the clear running water,
Blowing to greatness the trees on the hill,
Spirit of God in the finger of morning,
Fill the earth, bring it to birth
And blow where you will.
Blow, blow, blow til I be but
Breath of the Spirit blowing in me."

~ "Spirit of God", Sister Miriam Therese Winter from
  the album Joy is Like the Rain (Medical Mission
     Sisters, Philadelphia, PA/Vanguard Music, 1966).

An Apache Indian saying has it that "Wisdom sits in places."

Indeed.  In their homeland of the American Southwest there are many such places. 

Celtic Christianity maintains that heaven and earth are only three feet apart, but the distance is greatly narrowed in what the ancient Celts called "thin places."

Perhaps it is Wisdom . . . Sophia . . . the transformative feminine face of God . . . that sits in these thin places.

The links on this page will take you to a great many photographs . . . and even a short movie.

Some of thse images may suggest thin places to you.  We hope that you'll go and find your own . . . and that, when you're there, you'll stretch out your arms with up-turned palms . . . so that you might receive any transformative gift that already may be there . . . awaiting your arrival and willingness to receive it. 

When you view the movie, Going Somewhere? you will be invited to make up a story about what you are seeing . . . and listening to.  (Turn up your speakers!)  It's an opportunity for a unique sort of meditation.


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